Ota City, Tokyo
Tokyo Haneda Airport Booth Display

An interactive showcase of Ota City, home of Tokyo’s Haneda Airport
Despite having a lot to offer, Ota City, Haneda Airport's host city, is often overlooked as a must-visit destination by overseas travelers. We partnered with Ota City to change this perception by reaching out to a key demographic: tourists arriving at Haneda Airport's new international terminal. We designed four interactive booths displayed at the terminal's new tourism information center, each introducing an appealing feature of the city and practical suggestions of where to go and what to do.
The design was inspired by the city’s vibrant history and local culture and includes Hanepyon, the city’s resident mascot.
At the first booth, visitors can get their very own Ota Passport, to which they can deck with individually-designed Hanepyon stamps (Ota City mascot) placed in each of the four booths.
A treat to the senses: viewers can see and experience the different cultural aspects and popular offerings of Ota City such as VR city tour, Japanese calligraphy, and food replicas.
Project Manager
Seiya Hongo
Ally Hongo
Cassandra Lord
Seiya Hongo
Jake Dolosa
Tyana Adamidis